THANK YOU for your hospitality and kindness and awesomeness.

The Farm = <3

We had the most fantastic time:
  • sitting in a field in Germany (despite the bug in the eye)
  • watching movies we couldn't understand outside on couches, projected on a barn door entrance. (Thanks Brabec).
  • pulling up weeds, watching snails and starting the snail rehabilitation center under the picnic table (where snails with damaged shells can find new homes of all sizes).
  • getting dirty and sweaty and sitting outside (in general)
  • swimming in the quarry, playing word games- DETOX might be a good five letter word. And filming the attempts to get to the top of the tree
  • learning to grill delicious eggplant (LEMON + GARLIC + OLIVE OIL) and rediscovering the sweetness of grilled onion- delicious
  • baking pies (apple strawberry and mango) in a real country kitchen
  • and just waking up and being in the best company with a great host- thank you.
Note from the Lone Ranger: Check out more photos from the weekend!